It’s that time of the year when we get to pay our dues for the next year. I would like to remind everybody that the club works on a fiscal year, which is the same as the calendar year. So the dues that are coming due are for the calendar fiscal year of 2025, so we would like to keep the dues payments in that calendar fiscal year. In other words, you cannot pay your dues before January 1st.
The Executive Board with approval of the Post Membership shall set dues annually.
Post Dues of $85 will be payable the 31st of January annually. Payments after January 31st will be considered late and a late fee of $25 will be incurred. Anyone that does not pay their dues by February 15th will be dropped from the membership and key cards will be deactivated. Any member joining after the first day of December may pay full annual dues and be in good standing until 15th January the following year.
Members who reside outside a 75-mile radius of the Wilmington Post #1 will pay dues equal to ½ of the current annual dues and any assessment for the current year.
Join Delaware Veterans Post #1
All applications for membership in Delaware Veterans, Inc. shall be in writing on such forms as shall be prescribed by the State Board.
All application forms, properly filled out, must be forwarded through the Membership Chairman to the President of the Executive Board.
A copy of the veterans DD214 (On line requests can be made at WWW.ARCHIVES.GOV)or equivalent evidence of honorable service in the armed forces of the US or current Military ID must be attached for our records.
Their sponsor or a member of the Executive Board at a regular meeting of the Post prior to acceptance must present applicants.
The Membership Committee will conduct an investigation by interviewing the applicants sponsor. The Membership Committee Chairman or Committee Member will assist with the investigation by posting the names of the applicants on a designated bulletin board at the post.
The post Commander or his designee will have the names of the applicants placed in the membership section of the post newsletter designated: “Awaiting Final Approval”. Any member who has any objections to an applicant must notify the Executive Board in writing or in person prior to the second reading.
If no further investigation is warranted by the next general membership meeting, the applicant must then appear in person for the second reading and final approval. Upon final approval of the applicant, the Executive Board will direct the post Treasurer, upon payment of dues to present the applicant with a membership and key card.
The application and all records shall be kept in the files of the Membership Committee. If an applicant is unable to attend one or any of the membership meetings as required above, then the applicants sponsor is responsible for informing the Membership Chairman and or the Executive Board.
The Executive Board will determine on a case by case basis whether or not to continue to proceed with the processing of the application or place the application on hold until the applicant can appear in person before the general membership.
Initiation fee and dues must be paid within 30 days after notification of election as a member, otherwise election shall be void.
Appropriate membership cards shall be issued annually. The State Treasurer shall sign these. No member shall be in good standing unless he has in his possession a membership card paid up for the current year.